the synergy way

who we are

We have a strong conviction that in order to achieve more, one must create synergy while working together with others. We believe that when we come together we can maximize results and achieve more.

​Our team at Synergy Custom Fitness is built up of a group of innovative, talented, and driven individuals. We possess the creativity and passion to not only meet, but exceed our clients’ needs. These combined qualities are what propel our company forward.

​While each member of our team brings something unique to the table, we also share a commitment to deliver a customer experience of excellence while providing high-quality products that have been engineered with the end goal to help maximize results, space and even money.

american made

We believe that the USA has the best quality to offer to the American people and the world. Our goal is to empower our people and resources to produce the best possible products for you.

Power of Human Energy

Hard work. Dedication. Passion. Those are the best words to describe our team at Synergy Custom Fitness. Through their efforts, we are constantly innovating and improving; they are the fuel that moves us forward each day.

Maximizing Resources

We strive to maximize each of our resources available: our team, materials, processes, innovation, and cost. This is what allows us to offer you the best quality products at quality prices.

U.S. based facility

We're not willing to compromise our client's experience by cutting corners. That is why EVERY step of our process takes place at our US based facility in sunny South Florida!

a navy seal team is coming out of the water


A portion of all online sales at will be donated to the Navy SEAL Foundation.